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Oliver versteckte sich stundenlang unter der Decke, um Monstern im Dunkeln zu entkommen. Jetzt zieht er seine Brave Blanket an und verwandelt sich in „Strongboy“, einen superstarken, fliegenden, extra mutigen Helden. Brave Blanket hat sietrieb Oliver dazu, diese bockigen, stacheligen Monster zum Packen zu schicken schlafen Sie gut.

Oliver used to hide under the covers for hours to escape monsters in the dark. Now he dons his Brave Blanket and transforms into "Strongboy," a fearless, flying, muscle man. Brave Blanket has empowered Oliver to send those petulant, prickly, monsters packing and get a good night's sleep.
This 12-year-old is the strongest Brave Kid on the Block member. His fighting skills are a little "ehhh" but he makes up for it by being fast on the track and able to take a hit.
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